Saturday 5 October 2013

Spicy Tomato Basil Soup

Once upon a time, I used to work for a brilliant food studio photographer in London, UK, and quite often with various talented home economists. I was always amazed at how easily the home economists could whip up many recipes from scratch in no time at all. I've only just discovered myself how easy soup is to make, not to mention healthier, fresher and tastier. 

I baked Healthy Banana Bread yesterday, as well as having a go at my first batch of Spicy Tomato Basil Soup, and it's delicious, especially if you eat it with grilled cheese sandwiches. We had plenty of tomatoes lying around about to go to waste. A tad bit overripe. 

I look forward to next summer when I have my garden growing, with hopefully plenty of fresh tomatoes and other various vegetables to make/bake into yummy recipes. I'd love to try growing a pumpkin, so next fall I can make pumpkin cheesecake, and fresh chili pumpkin soup. 

Here's my take on the very basic recipe. 

Spicy Tomato Basil Soup

  • 1 medium Onion
  • 4/5c fresh tomatoes (roughly around 10 medium sized)
  • 2tbsp Olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 tsp basil (or more to taste)
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp of sugar (or more to taste)
  • 1 vegetable stock cube dissolved in 1 pint of hot water
Yield: 4 bowls

Over low heat, add olive oil, sliced onions and chopped garlic to a medium pot. Try not to burn them, once they start turning colour, add in 4-5 cups of chopped tomatoes, simmer for awhile maybe 15-20 min. Add in vegetable stock, already dissolved, continue to let simmer, maybe 5 min. 

Then let it cool down, not right down but not bubbling anymore. Blend in a food processor or a blender. Depending on the size you may able to do it all at once, I only have a small blender, so it took me three go's to have it all blended. Just fill up blender 3/4 full or less if you're worried about messes. Once blended return to the pot, over low heat return to simmering and add spices and and sugar to taste. Serve or let cool down and freeze if you so desire. 


Yes this was photographed in my kitchen under horrible fluorescent lighting

Wednesday 2 October 2013

My Absence

So it's been awhile, I fell on the wagon, badly. I got very sick for the past couple of months with hyperemesis and now that I'm on the mend, I'm finding it really hard to get back into my working routine. Which is terrible, I know. 

Life has also gotten very exciting lately, the Better Half and I got the keys to our 1st home together July 1st, and the renovations have been constant since the day after.  I cannot wait for the house to be finished, I have completely sketched out my entire new kitchen, and on paper it looks great. Even better bonus, after ripping up the laminate wood floors, ugly carpet lay underneath, and under that, the original hardwood floorboards in great condition that are just waiting to sanded and varnished. Over the moon about that. 

So to get me back into the swing of things, a blogger named Pip, meet me at mike's has this game that I thought I would give it a try. Kate from Foxs Lane, had a go and I think it could be what organises myself to get into a working routine again.

Making : A scarf with hearts and fans
Cooking : Salads, soups, cookies and banana bread!! Too yummy
Drinking : lots and lots of water, so much water
Reading: Skulduggery Pleasant Dark Days - it's a children's book and I love reading children's books
Wanting: my driver's license
Looking: at my giant to do list.....
Playing: tiny towers on my iphone, another time waster
Wasting: Time on facebook and pinterest
Sewing: going to have a go at sewing a sheer bridesmaid dress with beads,sequins and embroidery
Wishing:to win the lotto - not a lot of money just enough to make life abit easier   
Enjoying: Rainy, drizzling days - it makes my garden grow.
Waiting: for my packages to arrive in the post this week - I love getting mail. 
Liking: the fall leaves and colours, it's a wonderful time of the year to be out photographing 
Wondering: What the next year has in store for my better half and I? 
Loving: that I can follow my passions in life and be creative
Hoping: To be in our currently renovated house before Christmas
Marvelling: at the life growing inside of me, feeling the baby kicking!!!
Needing: a good back massage
Smelling: not much, my nose is stuffed up from a cold
Wearing: stretchy maternity trousers and a t shirt
Following: 40 days of dating, I found it really interesting two people commenting on dating each other, in the modern day of dating in your 20's. Apparently they are turning it into a movie. 
Noticing: My garden is looking alot healthier and greener, cannot wait for spring!!
Knowing: That I am extremely blessed and fortunate to be in such a good position in life, to have such a loving and supportive partner, family and friends
I need a little bit of chocolate
Feeling: Optimistic about the future and the next few months
Bookmarking: Etsy Ireland - getting myself organised to finally launch my own shop
Opening: Hopefully me Etsy Shop this weekend, if I'm organised enough
Giggling: with my Better Half, he can always make me laugh!

A sneak peak at progress 

Saturday 15 June 2013

Lacy Heart Square

I love crocheting, I love creating things with my hands and the feeling of accomplishment once it's done. The feeling is tremendously rewarding. 

I'm making a baby blanket for a friend's imminent arrival this summer and I was looking for something delicate and lacy and with hearts. I couldn't quite find what I was looking for, so I've decided that I want to create my own pattern deciding to start with a square first, making things on a small scale before jumping into the deep end. 

Here I go.....I cannot tell you how many times I've ripped this back and started over again, I want the blanket to look just right. 

Attempt  #1 - measures unblocked 4.5 in wide by 5.5 in length

Hook size 4.00mm
cotton DK

ch 26
Row 1: hdc into 2nd chain from hook, hdc into each stitch across (25 st)
Row 2: turn ch 2, hdc into each stitch across (25 st)
Row 3: turn ch 3, 2 dc into 1st stitch, *skip two stitches, dc into next stitch, ch 2, dc into same stitch**, repeat * to ** twice, sk two st, 3 dc into next stitch, repeat * to ** 3 times, sk two st, 2dc into last stitch
Row 4: turn, ch 2, hdc into first stitch, hdc into ch space, 2 hdc into next ch space, repeat twice, hdc into ch space, 2 hdc into next 2 stitches, hdc into ch sp, 2 hdc into next ch sp, repeat twice, hdc into ch space, hdc into last 2 stitches (25 st)

Row 5: turn, ch 3, 2dc into 1st stitch, *sk 2 st, 1 dc into next st, ch 2, 1 dc into same st**, repeat * to **, ch 1, sk 4 st, 3 dc into next st, 2 dc into the next st, 2 dc into next st, sk 4 st, ch 1, dc into next st, ch 2, dc into same st, sk 2 st, dc into next st, ch 2, dc into same st, sk 2 st, 2 dc into last st.
Row 6: turn, ch 2, hdc into 1st st, *hdc into ch sp, 2 hdc into next ch sp**, repeat * to ** once, 2 hdc into next ch sp, hdc into next 6 st, 2 hdc into next ch sp, 2 hdc into next ch sp, 1 hdc into next ch sp, 2 hdc into next ch sp, hdc into ch sp, hdc into last 2 st. (25 st)
Row 7: turn, ch 3, 2 dc into 1st st, *sk 2 st, dc into next st, ch 2, dc into same st**, repeat * to ** once, sk 2 st, 2 dc into next st, hdc into next 5 st, 2 dc into next 2 st, *sk 2 st, dc into next st, ch 2, dc into same st**, repeat * to ** once, sk 2 st, 2 dc into last st.
Row 8: turn, ch 2, hdc into first st, *hdc into ch sp, 2 hdc into next ch sp**, repeat * to ** once, hdc into ch sp, hdc into next 8 st, * hdc into ch sp, **2 hdc into next ch sp, repeat * to ** once, hdc into ch sp, hdc into last 2 st. (25 st)
Row 9: turn, ch 3, 2 dc into 1st st, sk 2 st, dc into next st, ch 2, dc into same stitch, sk 4 st, ch 1, 3 dc into next st, dc into next 7 st, 3 dc into next st, ch 1, sk 4 st, dc into next st, ch 2, dc into same st, sk 2 st, 2 dc into last st. 
Row 10: turn work, ch 2, hdc into 1st st, hdc into ch sp, 2 hdc into next 2 ch spaces each, hdc into next 12 st, 2 hdc into next 2 ch spaces each, hdc into next ch sp, hdc into last 2 st
Row 11: turn, ch 3, 2 dc into 1st st, sk 2 st, dc into next st, ch 2, dc into same stitch, sk 2 st, 3 dc into next st, dc into next 11 st, 2 dc into next st, sk 2 st, dc into next st, ch 2, dc into same stitch, sk 2 st, 2 dc into last stitch
Row 12: turn, ch 2, hdc into 1st st, hdc into ch sp, 2 hdc into next ch sp, hdc into ch sp, hdc into next 15 st, hdc into ch sp, 2 hdc into next ch sp, hdc into ch sp, hdc into last st (26 st)
Row 13: turn, ch 3, 2 dc into 1st stitch, ch 1, sk 3 st, 2 dc into next st, dc into next 15 st, 2 dc into next st, ch 1, sk 4 st, 2 dc into last st. 
Row 14: turn, ch 2, hdc into 1st stitch, 2 hdc into ch sp, hdc into next 18 st, 2 hdc into ch sp, hdc into last 2 st. (25 st)
Row 15: turn, ch 3, 2 dc into first stitch, ch 2, sk 2 st, dc decrease into next st, dc into next 3 st, dc decrease into next st, dc decrease into next st, sk 1 st, ch 2, dc decrease into next st, dc decrease into next st, dc into next 3 st, dc decrease next 2 st, ch 2 , sk 2 st, 2 dc into last st. 
Row 16: turn, ch 2, hdc into 1st stitch, 2 hdc into ch sp, 2 hdc into next st, hdc into next 3 st, 2 hdc into next st, hdc into next st, 3 hdc into ch sp, hdc into next 5 st, 2 hdc into next st, 2 hdc into ch sp, hdc into last 2 st. 
Row 17: turn, ch 3, 2 dc into first stitch, ch 3, sk 3 st, triple dc decrease into next 3 st, dc into next st, triple dc decrease into next 3 st, ch 5, sk 3 st, triple dc decrease into next 3 st, dc into next st, triple dc decrease into next 3 st, ch 3, sk 3 st, 2 dc into last stitch
Row 18: turn, ch 2, hdc into 1st st, 3 hdc into ch sp, 3 hdc into next st, hdc into next st, 2 hdc into next st, 5 hdc into ch sp, 2 hdc into next st, hdc into next st, 3 hdc into next st, 2 hdc into ch sp, hdc into last 2 st. (25 st)
Row 19: turn, ch 2, hdc across

So with attempt I think I'm ready to go out and buy some super soft baby cotton and start the blanket. 


Saturday 8 June 2013

Healthier Banana Bread

So if you're anything like me, you love food, and you love eating all different types of food, you're not a food snob, you'll eat take out and junkfood as quickly as you'll eat braised short rib bon bon, Boxti potato, young cavelo nero and creamed cauliflower, or a beanie burger and a house salad. I love all foods. ALL FOODS. But here's the thing, I'm in my 30's now and I'm trying to eat healthier, drink more water, even exercising. So I've taken a few of my favourite recipies and made them healthier, they're still not healthy as they could be, I have the sweet tooth of a pre diabetic. 

Here is my  Healthier Banana Bread: 

Healthier Banana Bread

3              over ripe bananas                   1/4 tsp / 0.65g coriander/cardamon
2              medium sized apples               1/4 tsp / 1.25g salt
1/4c / 50g brown sugar                           2 tsp / 5g        cinnamon
2              eggs                                     1.5 tsp / 6.5g   baking soda
2 tsp         vanilla                                   3 tsp / 11.25g  baking powder
1 c /100g   all purpose flour/plain flour      1 c / 90g          rye flour
1 c  / 150g blueberries/raisins/nuts/dried cherries

Peel, remove the core, chop up the apples into little cubes. Throw into a small saucepan with some water, bring to a boil and simmer until you have unsweetened apple sauce. Chop and mash the bananas and add in the brown sugar. Once apple sauce is cooled, add to the mashed bananas, then add in vanilla, salt, cinnamon, and coriander. Blend in eggs and mix well. Add in the plain flour and rye flour, add the baking soda and baking powder, finally mix in the raisins/blueberries or nuts. Line the bread tin with wax paper, and pour into tin. Bake in preheated oven 175 C/Gas 4/350 F for 55 - 60 min or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. 

I then spoiled myself, sliced off a warm piece of banana bread and buttered it. Was delicious. Oh now I want to go and bake brownie cupcakes.....

Friday 17 May 2013

Adventures in Procrastination Ville: I have a Blog

I have a diary, but I’m told I write better when I’m writing an email or a letter to someone, better at telling the story then whining to myself, yes I can see how that sounds much better. So there’s the thing: I’ve been wanting to start a blog forever now, and I’ve attempted it but I need the discipline, so get ready for possibly the worst blog ever.

It’s a sunny Friday, in May, somehow it’s nearly halfway through 2013, and I’m still in disbelief.  I swear yesterday it was March. I’ve read theories that time is speeding up, somehow the earth is spinning faster so the days and nights are getting shorter. Perhaps, but then maybe it really is just cause the older you get the more things your head is preoccupied with so time just seems to speed past you like lighting. I’m satisfied with either, both explain how I’m already 30 and yet still feel like 25, not 20 anymore though, I don’t want to be 20 or a teenager ever again.  I was a young naïve 20 year old and I truly feel like I’ve grown up a lot in the past 10 years, I can’t wait til I’m 80, I’m going to be a frickin genius. Fun times ahead.

I’m getting off topic again, starting my blog, it’s a sunny day in May, a Friday. A long weekend for me, it’s always a long weekend for me. Well let’s be honest I don’t work so really I’m just on constant holidays, a kept woman, and it really is the life. I don’t need much, food on the shelves, a little garden outback where I can grow my own vegetables and hopefully some fruit trees. This is Ireland you really don’t need to be blessed with a green thumb, the climate kinda does everything for you.  Some clothes to wear, I’m not fashionable at all, jeans and a t-shirt will do. So I’m kinda blessed, and I have an awesome and supportive boyfriend that well let’s me do all this. I keep saying that I’m wanting to build a fine arts business to make money, and I’ve had many ideas rambling around in my head for awhile now, transferred to scraps of miscellaneous paper here and there. I am the epitome of organised. Yes organised chaos and I wonder why I’m not the most productive person in the world.

So this blog is going to be the chronicling of these ideas coming to fruition.  Ideas around the house, around the garden, creative projects that I want to build, ideas to photograph, crafty projects, writing projects, etc. I’m very exciting about starting these projects, taking one day at a time working on them. The ideal life is traveling around the world, taking photos of life all around, coming home, putting around the garden, building things in the future studio, getting to create things with my hands. These are my dreams and it would be great to start working towards them, instead of daydreaming about them, so here’s to starting new endeavors, on a sunny Friday in May.

One of those endeavors, is an Etsy shop launching within the week!! Yea!!! Here is a purple bamboo cotton coaster and placemat set for two that I'll be selling shortly on Etsy. 

I plan on selling fine art prints (framed/mounted/just the print), crocheted coasters and placemats, reclaimed wooden coasters, tile coasters, magnets, housewares like bedding, tote bags, napkins as well as things like notebook/ipad covers, crocheted clothing and accessories. Really ambitious I know considering I am the queen of procrastination.  I'll post the link up to my Etsy shop as soon as I've launched it.